How to train yolov8?


Hey there! Ready to dive into the exciting world of object detection with YOLOv8? If you’re looking to supercharge your computer vision projects, you’ve come to the right place. YOLOv8 is the latest iteration of the “You Only Look Once” (YOLO) family, known for its speed and accuracy in detecting objects in real time.

In this blog post, I’ll guide you through every step to train yolov8?, from installation to deployment. We’ll explore the new YOLOv8 API, get hands-on with the CLI, and prepare our custom dataset.

1.How to Install YOLOv8

Getting started with YOLOv8 is easier than you might think! First, let’s set everything up on your machine.

Step-by-Step Guide to Installing Dependencies:

  1. Install Python: YOLOv8 requires Python to run. Make sure you have installed Python 3.8 or higher on your system. You can download the latest version from the official Python website. To complete the setup, follow the installation instructions for your operating system.
  2. Install PIP: PIP is Python’s package installer, which allows you to manage and install additional Python packages. It usually comes bundled with Python, but you can download it from the PIP website if it still needs to be installed. Use the command python -m ensurepip to install PIP if necessary.

Using GitHub or PyPI to download YOLOv8.

To get YOLOv8 up and running, you have two main options: GitHub or PyPI. For the PyPI route, use pip install yolov8 to download and install the latest version of YOLOv8 directly. If you prefer GitHub, clone the YOLOv8 repository from Ultralytics’ GitHub page and follow the installation instructions in the repository’s README file.

Verifying the installation.

Once installed, verify that YOLOv8 is correctly set up by running a simple test script or command. For PyPI installations, you can check the version by running Python -c “import yolov8; print(yolov8.__version__)”. If you cloned from GitHub, navigate to the cloned directory and execute the Python install to ensure the installation is complete.

How to install  yolov8

2.The New YOLOv8 API

Now that you’ve installed YOLOv8 let’s talk about the real star of the show: the brand-new YOLOv8 API! This API is your go-to tool for easily customizing and training your models, making the YOLOv8 training process smoother and more efficient than ever before.

Detailed explanation of the critical functions and classes in the API.

The YOLOv8 API provides robust tools to help you build and deploy object detection models efficiently. Here’s a breakdown of the critical functions and classes you’ll encounter:

Key Classes of YOLOv8 API

  1. YOLO:
    • Purpose: The core class for interacting with YOLOv8 models. This class handles model loading, training, and inference.
    • Key Methods:
      • Train (): Initiates the training process with specified parameters, such as dataset paths and hyperparameters.
      • Predict (): Runs inference on provided images or videos to detect objects and return predictions.
      • Load (): Loads a pre-trained model from a specified path.
  2. Dataset:
    • Purpose: Manages data loading and preprocessing for training and evaluation.
    • Key Methods:
      • load_data(): Loads data from specified sources, such as image directories or annotation files.
      • Augment (): Applies data augmentation techniques to improve model robustness.

Key Functions of YOLOv8 API

  1. train_model():
    • Purpose: A high-level function to train a YOLOv8 model with specific configurations.
    • Parameters: Includes dataset paths, model configurations, and training hyperparameters.
    • Returns: A trained model ready for evaluation or deployment.
  2. evaluate_model():
    • Purpose: Evaluate the performance of a trained YOLOv8 model on a validation dataset.
    • Parameters: Requires the model and validation dataset.
    • Returns: Metrics such as precision, recall, and mAP (mean Average Precision).

3.The YOLOv8 CLI

If you love working from the command line, the YOLOv8 CLI will be your new best friend! The YOLOv8 training process isn’t just about APIs and coding; it’s also about leveraging the power and simplicity of command-line tools to get the job done efficiently.

For example, after training, you might want to test your model’s performance on unseen data:

yolo val data=my_dataset.yaml

Explanation of common commands and their usage.

Training a Model

Command: yolov8 train –data <data.yaml> –cfg <config.yaml> –weights <> –batch-size <size> –epochs <number>

Usage: This command starts the training process for a YOLOv8 model. Here’s a breakdown of the parameters:

  • –data <data.yaml>: Specifies the path to the data configuration file, including paths to training and validation datasets and class names.
  • –cfg <config.yaml>: Points to the model configuration file that defines the architecture, such as the number of layers and parameters.

Testing and Validating a Model

Command: yolov8 val –data <data.yaml> –weights <> –batch-size <size>

Usage: This command evaluates the performance of a trained YOLOv8 model on a validation dataset. Assessing how well the model generalizes to new, unseen data is crucial. Here’s a breakdown:

  • –data <data.yaml>: Provides the path to the data configuration file used for validation.
  • –weights <>: Specifies the path to the trained model weights you want to evaluate.
  • –batch-size <size>: Sets the number of samples processed in each validation batch.

Example: yolov8 val –data data.yaml –weights –batch-size 16

Exporting the Model

Command: yolov8 export –weights <> –format <format> –output <output_path>

Usage: This command exports a YOLOv8 model to a specific format for deployment or further use. It’s useful for converting the model to formats compatible with other frameworks or platforms. Here’s what each parameter means:

  • –weights <>: Indicates the path to the model weights you wish to export.
  • –format <format>: Specifies the export format, such as ONNX, TensorFlow, or CoreML.
  • –output <output_path>: Defines the file path where the exported model will be saved.

Example: yolov8 export –weights –format onnx –output yolov8_model.onnx

Preparing a Custom Dataset for YOLOv8

Now that you’re getting the hang of the YOLOv8 training process, it’s time to dive into one of the most critical steps: preparing your custom dataset. A well-prepared dataset is the foundation of a successful model, and with YOLOv8, organizing and annotating your data correctly will set you up for a smooth training experience.

4. Importance of Preparing a Quality Dataset for Training

Preparing a high-quality dataset is crucial for the success of any machine learning model, including YOLOv8.

Model Accuracy and Performance:

The quality of your dataset directly impacts the accuracy and performance of your YOLOv8 model.

Reduction of Overfitting:

A rich and varied dataset helps prevent overfitting, where the model performs well on training data but fails on new data.

Efficient Training:

High-quality datasets streamline the training process.

Steps to annotate and format a dataset for YOLOv8

To annotate and format a dataset for YOLOv8, label each object in images with bounding boxes and class names using tools like LabelImg. Then, these annotations are converted into YOLO format, which includes text files with object class and bounding box coordinates for each image.

Tools for Annotation

Use tools like LabelImg or Roboflow to annotate images with bounding boxes and labels.

Formatting Data in YOLOv8’s Required Structure

Ensure annotations are converted into YOLO format with text files for each image containing class and bounding box coordinates.

Example of Organizing Dataset Folders and Files:

Organize your dataset with separate folders for images and annotations, and use a YAML file to list paths and classes for YOLOv8.

5. Export and Upload Weights

You’ve trained your YOLOv8 model, and it’s performing like a champ—congrats! Now comes the exciting part: exporting and sharing your hard-earned model weights.

Guide on exporting the trained YOLOv8 model weights: To export your trained YOLOv8 model weights, use the command yolov8 export –weights <> –format <format> –output <output_path>.

Different formats are available (e.g., ONNX, TensorFlow): YOLOv8 supports exporting models in various formats, such as ONNX, TensorFlow, CoreML, and TorchScript.

For example, with Google Drive, AWS S3, etc., you can export and save your YOLOv8 model to cloud storage solutions like Google Drive or AWS S3 by specifying the output path directly in the cloud service’s directory.

Deploy Your Model to the Edge

Now that your YOLOv8 model is trained, exported, and ready, it’s time to bring it to life by deploying it to the edge. Deploying your model on edge devices—like a Raspberry Pi, NVIDIA Jetson, or model smartphoneemodel’smartphone—allows you to run your object detection model in real-time, right where the action happens.

Steps to deploy YOLOv8 to edge devices ( Raspberry Pi, NVIDIA Jetson).

To deploy YOLOv8 to edge devices like Raspberry Pi or NVIDIA Jetson, first, export the model to a compatible format like TensorRT or ONNX. Then, the model files are transferred to the device, and the necessary dependencies, such as Python and CUDA, are set up. Finally, run the model on the edge device using a Python script or a custom application tailored for real-time object detection.

Optimizing the model for edge deployment:

To evalute your YOLOv8 model for edge deployment, consider reducing the model size through pruning or quantization, which converts weights to lower precision (e.g., INT8). Also, model compression tools should be used to adjust the input image resolution to balance performance and speed.

Example Deployment Scenarios for YOLOv8

Deploying YOLOv8 to various environments can vastly improve the functionality of applications across different industries. Here are a few detailed examples of how YOLOv8 can be deployed:

Intelligent Surveillance on Raspberry Pi

    • Scenario: A small retail store wants to enhance its security system with real-time object detection to monitor suspicious activities, such as loitering or theft.
    • Deployment: YOLOv8 is deployed on a Raspberry Pi connected to the store’s surveillance cameras. The model is optimized through quantization for faster inference on the Pi’s limited hardware.
    • Outcome: The system alerts store management of suspicious behavior in real time, enabling a quick response to potential security threats.

    Agricultural Monitoring with NVIDIA Jetson Nano

      • Scenario: A farm uses drones to monitor crop health by detecting diseased plants in large fields.
      • Deployment: YOLOv8 is deployed on an NVIDIA Jetson Nano aboard the drone. The model is trained to identify different plant diseases and is optimized using TensorRT for faster processing.
      • Outcome: The drone flies over the fields, capturing real-time data and detecting diseased crops, which helps farmers take immediate action to protect their harvest.

      Autonomous Vehicles with NVIDIA Jetson Xavier

        • Scenario: An autonomous vehicle company is developing a self-driving car that needs real-time object detection for pedestrians, traffic signs, and other vehicles.
        • Deployment: YOLOv8 is deployed on an NVIDIA Jetson Xavier, a powerful edge device capable of handling complex computations. The model is optimized for low latency to ensure quick decision-making.
        • Outcome: The vehicle can detect and respond to various objects in its environment in real time, ensuring safe navigation through urban areas.

        Healthcare Monitoring with Edge TPU

          • Scenario: A hospital wants to monitor patients in critical care units for signs of distress, such as unusual movements or falls.
          • Deployment: YOLOv8 is deployed on Google’s Edge TPU, an AI accelerator designed for edge devices connected to cameras in the ICU. The model is optimized for both speed and accuracy to ensure timely detection.
          • Outcome: The system alerts healthcare providers instantly if a patient shows signs of distress, allowing for quick intervention and improving patient outcomes.

          Retail Analytics with Intel Movidius

            • Scenario: A retail chain wants to analyze customer behavior by tracking foot traffic, product interactions, and store queue lengths.
            • Deployment: YOLOv8 is deployed on an Intel Movidius Neural Compute Stick, a compact edge device connected to store cameras.
            • Outcome: The system provides real-time analytics on customer behavior, helping the store optimize product placement, staff allocation, and customer service.


            The power of YOLOv8 lies in its flexibility and efficiency, making it an invaluable tool for anyone working on the object you’ll. We also covered how to export and share your model weights and, most excitingly, how to deploy your trained model to the edge, bringing your AI capabilities right to the devices that need them here. The more you experiment, the more powerful your applications will become. So dive back into your projects with renewed energy and see how far you can go with your YOLOv8 models. The possibilities are endless!


            How long does it take to train YOLOv8 model?

            Training time depends on dataset size, hardware, and model complexity.

            What hardware is recommended for training?

            For the best experience, use a system with an NVIDIA GPU (like an RTX 2060 or higher), at least 16GB of RAM, and an SSD for quick data access.

            Can YOLOv8 be used for real-time applications?

            Absolutely! YOLOv8 is optimized for real-time object detection, making it perfect for surveillance, autonomous vehicles, and robotics applications.

            Is YOLOv8 compatible with edge devices?

            YOLOv8 can be deployed on edge devices like Raspberry Pi, NVIDIA Jetson, and Google Coral.

            What are the common challenges when training YOLOv8?

            Common challenges include handling large datasets, overfitting, and ensuring the model generalizes well to new data. 

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