How to Train YOLOv8? Your Shortcut to YOLOv8 Training Master


If you’re venturing into the realm of computer vision and object detection, you’ve likely come across YOLOv8. YOLO, short for “You Only Look Once,” is a groundbreaking object detection algorithm that has evolved over time.  How to Train YOLOv8?

YOLOv8, in particular, stands out for its speed and accuracy in detecting multiple objects in an image or video frame in real time. In this guide, we’ll delve into the process of training YOLOv8, especially focusing on custom datasets and instance segmentation.

What is YOLOv8?

Before we dive into the training process, let’s take a moment to understand what YOLOv8 is all about. YOLOv8 is the eighth version of the YOLO series, and it comes with significant improvements over its predecessors. How to Train YOLOv8

One of its key strengths is its ability to detect objects at different scales, making it versatile for a wide range of applications, from surveillance to autonomous vehicles.

What is YOLOv8?

YOLOv8 is the latest and greatest iteration of the YOLO (You Only Look Once) family of object detection models, known for their speed and accuracy. It’s like a super-powered detective for images and videos, instantly spotting and identifying objects in just one single pass!

Here’s a breakdown of what makes YOLOv8 unique:

  • State-of-the-art performance: It boasts impressive accuracy on various object detection benchmarks, even surpassing its predecessors like YOLOv5.
  • Speed demon: YOLOv8 is incredibly fast, making it ideal for real-time applications like self-driving cars and video surveillance.
  • Versatile superhero: It’s not just about How to Use YOLOv8 for Object Detection! YOLOv8 can also handle tasks like image classification and instance segmentation, making it a one-stop shop for your computer vision needs.
  • Open-source and friendly: Built and maintained by the Ultralytics team, YOLOv8 is open-source and comes with a Python package and command-line interface for easy access and customization.

Overall, YOLOv8 is a powerful and versatile computer vision model that’s pushing the boundaries of what’s possible. If you’re working on any project involving object detection, classification, or segmentation, YOLOv8 is definitely worth checking out!

How to Train YOLOv8?

Training YOLOv8 involves several steps, and customization is often necessary to make the model adept at detecting objects relevant to your specific use case. 

One crucial aspect is training the model on a custom dataset, ensuring that it can recognize the objects you’re interested in. Let’s explore how to do this in the context of YOLOv8 instance segmentation and How to Train YOLOv8.

Training YOLOv8 involves several steps:

1: Setting Up:

  • Install Dependencies: Ensure you have Python 3, PyTorch, and CUDA/cuDNN installed.
  • Install YOLOv8: Use pip install Ultralytics to install the Ultralytics package, which provides the YOLOv8 command-line interface (CLI).

2: Preparing Your Dataset:

  • Collect Images: Gather images containing the objects you want your model to detect.
  • Label Images: Annotate each image with bounding boxes around the objects and their corresponding class labels. You can use tools like LabelImg or VGG Image Annotator.
  • Organize Dataset: Divide your labeled images into training, validation, and test sets, typically in an 80/10/10 ratio.
  • Create Data File: Generate a YAML file defining your dataset’s paths, classes, and other configurations.

3: Training:

Use the YOLOv8 CLI: Run python -m yolo train with various arguments:

Monitor Training: The CLI will display training progress, including loss, accuracy, and mAP (mean Average Precision). You can visualize these metrics in Tensor Board.

4: Evaluation and Inference:

  • Evaluate Your Model: Use the python -m yolo val command with your data file and trained weights to assess your model’s performance on the validation set.
  • Make Predictions: Use the python -m yolo detect command with your trained weights and new images to detect objects in real-time.

Remember, training YOLOv8 can be an iterative process. You may need to adjust hyperparameters, data augmentation techniques, or even your model architecture to achieve optimal performance. 

With careful experimentation and these resources, you can train a YOLOv8 model to effectively detect objects in your specific domain.

What is YOLOv8 Instance Segmentation?

Instance segmentation takes object detection a step further by not only identifying objects in an image but also distinguishing between instances of the same object. 

YOLOv8 instance segmentation, therefore, excels at precisely delineating boundaries around individual instances of objects, providing a more detailed understanding of the scene.

YOLOv8 Instance Segmentation is a powerful computer vision technique that combines object detection and image segmentation to identify and delineate individual objects within an image. 

It’s like taking a step beyond the traditional object detection, which simply tells you what objects are present and where they are located, and giving you a detailed outline of each object’s shape and size.

Here’s a breakdown of the two components:

  • Object detection: This involves recognizing and locating objects in an image, like people, cars, animals, or any other pre-defined category. YOLOv8 excels at this task, providing bounding boxes around each detected object along with a confidence score for its identification.
  • Image segmentation: This goes beyond just identifying objects and delves into their precise shapes and boundaries. Imagine peeling a sticker off an image – instance segmentation does the same virtually, separating each object from the background and creating a mask that outlines its exact form.

By combining these two capabilities, YOLOv8 Instance Segmentation offers a more comprehensive understanding of the visual scene. It’s like having a detailed map of all the objects in an image, with clear boundaries and labels for each one.

Here are some of the benefits of using YOLOv8 Instance Segmentation:

  • Precise object identification and localization: Get accurate bounding boxes and masks for individual objects, even in crowded or complex scenes.
  • Pixel-level analysis: Gain insights into the shape, size, and orientation of objects, which can be crucial for tasks like robotics or autonomous vehicles.
  • Versatility: Use it for various applications, from self-driving cars and medical imaging to visual surveillance and augmented reality.

Here’s an example to illustrate the power of YOLOv8 Instance Segmentation:

As you can see, YOLOv8 not only identifies each object (car, person, bike) but also precisely outlines their shapes, making it easier to understand the scene and analyze the interactions between different objects.

Overall, YOLOv8 Instance Segmentation is a valuable tool for anyone working with computer vision and needing to extract detailed information from images. Its accuracy, versatility, and ease of use make it a popular choice for a wide range of applications How to Train YOLOv8.

How to Train YOLOv8 on a Custom Dataset?

Customizing YOLOv8 for your specific needs starts with training it on a dataset tailored to your application. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you through the process:

  • Get Started with Ikomia API

Ikomia API is a powerful tool that simplifies the training of YOLOv8 on custom datasets. Begin by installing Ikomia on your system and setting up the necessary dependencies.

  • Run the Train YOLOv8 Instance Segmentation Algorithm with a Few Lines of Code

Ikomia API provides a streamlined approach to running the YOLOv8 instance segmentation algorithm. With just a few lines of code, you can initiate the training process on your custom dataset. This user-friendly interface significantly reduces the complexity typically associated with training deep learning models How to Train YOLOv8.

Step by Step: Fine-tune a Pre-trained YOLOv8-seg Model Using Ikomia API

Fine-tuning a pre-trained model is a common practice in deep learning, as it leverages knowledge gained from a broader dataset. Ikomia API simplifies this process by guiding you through the steps of fine-tuning your YOLOv8-seg model.

This ensures that the model becomes specialized in detecting the objects relevant to your application.

  • Test Your Fine-tuned YOLOv8-seg Model

Once the fine-tuning is complete, it’s crucial to test the model’s performance on unseen data. Ikomia API facilitates this by providing easy-to-use inference tools. Evaluate the model’s accuracy and make adjustments if necessary to achieve the desired level of object detection and instance segmentation.

  • Start Training Easily with Ikomia

The user-friendly nature of Ikomia API makes the entire training process accessible to both beginners and seasoned developers. With Ikomia, you can focus on refining your custom dataset and fine-tuning the model without getting bogged down by the intricacies of deep learning How to Train YOLOv8.


How to Train YOLOv8 on a custom dataset, for instance, segmentation, might seem like a daunting task, but with tools like Ikomia API, the process becomes remarkably straightforward. 

As you embark on this journey, keep in mind the importance of a well-curated dataset, fine-tuning for your specific needs, and thorough testing to ensure the model’s effectiveness. 

How to Train YOLOv8, coupled with the user-friendly Ikomia interface, opens up exciting possibilities in the world of computer vision and object detection.

FAQS (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q#1: What do I need How to Train YOLOv8?

  • Hardware: A computer with enough processing power is crucial. Ideally, you’ll have a GPU with at least 8GB of memory for smooth training.
  • Software: Install Python and the Ultralytics package, which provides the YOLOv8 command-line interface (CLI).
  • Dataset: You’ll need a collection of labeled images containing the objects you want to detect. Each image should have bounding boxes around the objects and corresponding class labels.

Q#2: How do I prepare my dataset?

  • Labeling: Label your images using a tool like VGG Image Annotator (VIA) or Label box. Mark the bounding boxes for each object and assign class labels.
  • Formatting: Organize your labeled images and labels into a specific format, like YOLOv8’s YAML format. This format defines the image paths, object classes, and bounding box coordinates.
  • Splitting: Divide your dataset into training, validation, and test sets. The training set will be used to train the model, the validation set will be used to monitor its performance during training, and the test set will be used to evaluate its final accuracy.

Q#3: Which YOLOv8 model should I use?

YOLOv8 offers various pre-trained models like YOLOv8s, YOLOv8m, and YOLOv8l, differing in size and accuracy. For custom training, consider How to Train YOLOv8:

  • Task complexity: Choose a smaller model like YOLOv8s for simpler tasks with fewer object classes. For complex tasks with many courses, a larger model like YOLOv8l might be better.
  • Hardware limitations: If you have limited GPU memory, a smaller model might be necessary.

Q#4: How do I train the model?

Use the YOLOv8 CLI with commands like yolov8 train to specify your dataset, model, training parameters, and other options. 

You can fine-tune a pre-trained model or train from scratch. Monitor the training process through Tensor Board to track loss, accuracy, and other metrics How to Train YOLOv8.

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